78th anniversary of Hiroshima bombing
On this day, 78 years ago, the city of Hiroshima in Japan was bombed by the United States. The attack marked its completion today. Let’s explore the options that the United States had apart from dropping a bomb on Hiroshima. On August 6, 1945, a date recorded in history, the world witnessed the true power of atomic bombs. A bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima in Japan, and nearly 150,000 people were engulfed by the clutches of death in an instant. It is said that the potency of atomic bombs halted the Second World War and abruptly quelled the ongoing devastation worldwide. However, controversies have arisen regarding these assertions. By August 1945, Japan had all but faced defeat in the war. The question remained as to when Japan would surrender. Meanwhile, then-President Harry Truman of the United States had also been informed of the development of atomic bombs. Faced with this, he had to decide whether to use this bomb to end the war. The world knows what Truman chose, and history stands witness to that decision. As a matter of fact, today marks the 78th anniversary of the Hiroshima bombing. Today is the same date when the United States dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima in Japan. The mayor of Hiroshima has appealed to the world to eliminate nuclear bombs. However, the question always arises about what options the United States had besides dropping atomic bombs. Let’s find out the answer to this.