Home Minister Amit Shah has tabled the proposals in the Lok Sabha. IPC changed

IPC Changed

In the era of the British laws, significant changes have been made to the Indian Penal Code (IPC), Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC), and the Evidence Act. These changes include provisions related to sedition, mob lynching, death penalty for rape of minors, and changing the term “sedition” to “sedition against the nation.” Home Minister Amit Shah has tabled the proposals in the Lok Sabha. Some of the key changes include reducing the number of sections in IPC and CrPC, introducing provisions for video conferencing during investigations and trials, ensuring trial courts deliver verdicts within a maximum of 3 years, and allowing zero FIRs to be filed anywhere in the country. The bills will go through parliamentary committees for scrutiny and then be presented in the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha for approval. The amendments aim to modernize and update these laws, focusing on various aspects such as sedition, mob lynching, faster trials, online record-keeping, and ensuring stricter punishment for crimes against women.

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