Deadpool and Wolverine: – most anticipated movie if the year movie review
Most anticipated movie if the year movie review Deadpool and Wolverine is the most anticipated movie of the year from Marvel side. Finally hit the cinemas screen. According to some critic’s movie is so good. Some said it is not live up to the expectations. Here are some points and spoiler free review of the movie Deadpool and Wolverine. 1. Return of the Logan Marvels fans are eagerly waiting for the movie Deadpool and Wolverine as huge Jackman return as Wolverine. Huge Jackman is the best Wolverine of all time. He returned and delivered his actions packed work on the screen. While other side Ryan Reynolds also gives his best as Deadpool in the movie. Deadpool and the Wolverine, he already proved that he is the best Deadpool ever Marvel or fox got. 2. Tangled plot The plot is very difficult to understand unless until you are a marvel head or already watched all. The X-Men and Deadpool movies. They tried to make the movie in a way that first timer also understands the plot. This movie include time travel and multiple realities that is very difficult to understand. Overall it is good packed with action and humor’s. 3. Villains of the movie Deadpool and Wolverine Emma corrin plays the villain as Cassandra, according to comics she is the sister if professor X. She is a mutant, and she has an ability to manipulate and control the molecular structure of materials. She is the setting up the upcoming X-Men movies and TV shows. 4. A new era for the MCU After the infinity saga MCU undergone many changes and marking the end of an era. As MCU embarks on a new journey. The movie can be the spark. That ignites a new era for the marvel and X-Men fans. Deadpool and the Wolverine movie can be the catalyst for a new era in the MCU. Introduce a fresh tone, style, and creative direction that will shape the future of the franchise.