Introduction: With the recent announcement of Google Gemini, the tech giant has thrown its hat into the ring against the widely popular ChatGPT by OpenAI. While Bard, Google's initial attempt, fell short in comparison, the recent Gemini update promises advanced reasoning, planning, and understanding, putting it in the running for a competitive position. This update not only enhances Bard's conversational skills but also introduces more ways to utilize Gemini. Using Google Gemini on Bard: To leverage the power of Google Gemini on Bard, all you need is a Google account. Visit Bard's website, log in with your Google account, and start conversing with Bard. Gemini Pro, one of the three variants of the large language model (LLM), responds to your queries. While only a fraction of Gemini powers Bard currently, future updates will enable the chatbot to handle images, audio, and video in addition to text. Google plans to launch Bard Advanced next year, utilizing Gemini Ultra, the most potent version capable of processing and generating various media types. Utilizing Google Gemini on Pixel 8 Pro: For proud owners of Pixel 8 Pro, Gemini is also available offline. Gemini Nano, a streamlined version, enhances Smart Reply and the Recorder app. Smart Reply, powered by Gemini Nano, suggests more relevant and natural responses in messaging apps. To use this feature, enable AiCore in the Developer Options and navigate to WhatsApp settings. Gemini Nano-driven Smart Reply suggestions appear in the Gboard keyboard's suggestion strip. Currently, this feature is in a limited preview for US English in WhatsApp, with plans for expansion. The Recorder app on Pixel 8 Pro benefits from Gemini by generating summaries of recorded meetings with a single click. Simply start recording in the app, and tapping the summary button provides a Gemini Nano-generated overview of the audio. As Gemini is still in its early stages, Google is actively working on expanding its capabilities and availability. Exciting developments are expected in the near future. Google Gemini Unveiled: A Deep Dive into its Role with Bard and Pixel 8 Pro

Google Gemini Unveiled: A Deep Dive into its Role with Bard and Pixel 8 Pro

Introduction: With the recent announcement of Google Gemini, the tech giant has thrown its hat into the ring against the widely popular ChatGPT by OpenAI. While Bard, Google’s initial attempt, fell short in comparison, the recent Gemini update promises advanced reasoning, planning, and understanding, putting it in the running for a competitive position. This update not only enhances Bard’s conversational skills but also introduces more ways to utilize Gemini. Using Google Gemini on Bard:   To leverage the power of Google Gemini on Bard, all you need is a Google account. Visit Bard’s website, log in with your Google account, and start conversing with Bard. Gemini Pro, one of the three variants of the large language model (LLM), responds to your queries. While only a fraction of Gemini powers Bard currently, future updates will enable the chatbot to handle images, audio, and video in addition to text. Google plans to launch Bard Advanced next year, utilizing Gemini Ultra, the most potent version capable of processing and generating various media types. Utilizing Google Gemini on Pixel 8 Pro:   For proud owners of Pixel 8 Pro, Gemini is also available offline. Gemini Nano, a streamlined version, enhances Smart Reply and the Recorder app. Smart Reply, powered by Gemini Nano, suggests more relevant and natural responses in messaging apps. To use this feature, enable AiCore in the Developer Options and navigate to WhatsApp settings. Gemini Nano-driven Smart Reply suggestions appear in the Gboard keyboard’s suggestion strip. Currently, this feature is in a limited preview for US English in WhatsApp, with plans for expansion.   The Recorder app on Pixel 8 Pro benefits from Gemini by generating summaries of recorded meetings with a single click. Simply start recording in the app, and tapping the summary button provides a Gemini Nano-generated overview of the audio. As Gemini is still in its early stages, Google is actively working on expanding its capabilities and availability. Exciting developments are expected in the near future.

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