BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir in UAE Inaugurated by PM Modi

BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir in UAE Inaugurated by PM Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi made history on Wednesday with the grand inauguration of the BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir in Abu Dhabi. The momentous occasion marked the fruition of a proposal that emerged during. PM Modi’s first visit to the UAE in 2015, solidifying the deepening ties between the two nations. Let’s explore the significance and journey of the BAPS Mandir in Abu Dhabi. A Socio-Spiritual Marvel The BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir is not merely a place of worship it represents a socio-spiritual. Hindu faith deeply rooted in the Vedas. Pioneered by Bhagwan Swaminarayan in the late 18th century and formally established in 1907 by Shastriji Maharaj. BAPS has been a symbol of spiritual enlightenment, service, and community development. PM Modi’s Vision Becomes Reality The journey towards the establishment of the Hindu temple in. Abu Dhabi began with PM Modi’s visit to the UAE in 2015. Recognizing the need for a place of worship for the Hindu community, the government allocated land for the BAPS temple. A move that PM Modi hailed as “landmark.” The prime minister expressed heartfelt gratitude to the leadership of the UAE on behalf of the 130 crore Indians. Showcasing the importance of this diplomatic achievement. A Symbol of Bilateral Friendship The inauguration of the BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir serves as a powerful symbol of the robust bond between. India’s Prime Minister and the leadership of the UAE. The benevolence and camaraderie of leaders from the UAE played a pivotal role in realizing this project. Ahead of the opening ceremony, Sadhu Brahmaviharidas, representing BAPS. Recognized the significant contribution made by the leaders of the UAE and conveyed deep gratitude towards the rulers and officials. Cultural Exchange and Global Harmony The establishment of the Hindu temple in the heart of Abu Dhabi is a testament to the spirit of cultural. Exchange and global harmony. It reflects the inclusive values that both India and the UAE hold dear. Promoting understanding and respect for diverse religious practices. Fostering Unity and Pluralism The BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir is not just a place for worship; it stands as a beacon fostering unity and pluralism. It provides a space for the Hindu community to come together. Celebrate their faith and contribute to the multicultural tapestry of the UAE. This inclusive gesture resonates with the ethos of tolerance and acceptance that both nations embrace. Looking Forward: Strengthening Diplomatic Bonds As the doors of the BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir open to the public. The inauguration signifies more than a religious landmark—it marks a strengthened bond between India and the UAE. It showcases the shared commitment to fostering understanding, respect, and collaboration on both spiritual and diplomatic fronts. In conclusion, the inauguration of the BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir in Abu Dhabi is a momentous. Event that transcends religious boundaries, embodying the principles of unity, diversity, and global camaraderie. It stands as a testament to the power of diplomacy and cultural exchange in creating bridges between nations and fostering. A world where different faiths coexist harmoniously.

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PM Modi Unveils Ambitious Plan for Zero Electricity Bills Nationwide

PM Modi Unveils Ambitious Plan for Zero Electricity Bills Nationwide

In a significant announcement made by Prime Minister Modi during his address in Guwahati, it was revealed that the government is actively working towards achieving zero electricity bills for citizens. The proactive initiative signifies a notable shift towards sustainable and affordable energy solutions. The Prime Minister’s statement highlights a commitment to make electricity more accessible and cost-effective for the general population. This move aligns with the government’s larger vision of promoting clean and renewable energy sources while addressing the needs of the citizens for a more sustainable and affordable future. As the government takes strides in this direction, it marks a positive step towards reducing the financial burden on households and fostering a greener and more eco-friendly energy landscape.

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govt defeats no confidence motion

Govt defeats no confidence motion

The no- confidence stir in congress on Thursday was successfully defeated by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi- led NDA government. This passed following a passionate speech by the Prime Minister during the capstone of a three- day debate. The stir was baffled through a voice vote orchestrated by the lower house’s speaker, as seen in televised images. This passed shortly after opposition Members of Parliament, including Rahul Gandhi, the leader of the Congress party, exited the chamber. In response to the no- confidence stir in Lok Sabha, Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed his gratefulness, stating,” The people of the country have constantly entrusted their trust in our government, and I want to thank them all.” Prime Minister Modi stated,” No- confidence movements have always been fortunate for us, this bone. will insure we return with an unknown accreditation.” ” While there was a need to bandy vital bills aimed at the weal of the people, the focus of the opposition was more on political manoeuvrings,” stressed the Prime Minister. He added,” For the opposition, the party takes priority over the country; their thirst for power supersedes the requirements of the people.” opining on the Congress party, the Prime Minister refocused out that the altitudinous leader in the opposition’s species wasn’t included in the list of speakers. The magnanimity of Amit Shah, in granting speaking time to Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury, was mentioned. He humorously added,” I’m not apprehensive of what impelled the Congress to sideline Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury, maybe a call was made from Kolkata.” Prime Minister Modi emphasized,” We’ve handed a government free from dishonours to the youth of India, offering them the courage and occasion to soar high in the open sky.” He asserted that the primary ideal and aspiration should be the development of the nation. Regarding the decline of poverty in India, PM Modi appertained to data from NITI Aayog and IMF, indicating that the country has nearly cancelled extreme poverty. He participated,” According to the NITI Aayog report,13.5 crore people have overcome poverty in India in the last five times. IMF’s working paper countries that India has nearly excluded extreme poverty.” The fiscal benefits of the” Swachh Bharat” action according to UNICEF were also stressed. The Prime Minister combated claims of darkening India’s image on the global stage, asserting that the verity is apparent and cannot be distorted. He sarcastically reflected on the opposition, noting,” Opposition members retain a peculiar blessing their ill will towards others brings good fortune.” pertaining to the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited(HAL), the Prime Minister stated,” They( Congress) caused detriment to HAL. They tried to incite workers and spread negativity. still, HAL is now flourishing, boasting its loftiest- ever profit and getting a source of public pride.” pressing the ambitious profitable growth, the Prime Minister said,” A many days agone. I mentioned that India would come the world’s third- largest frugality in our government’s third term. A responsible opposition would have inquired about our plan or handed suggestions. rather, they prognosticate that it’ll do naturally without any trouble.” Prime Minister Modi also addressed the opposition’s station on Northeast India, emphasizing his fidelity to the region through multitudinous visits. He emphasized that the Congress has failed to comprehend the sentiments of the Northeast, suggesting that their politics is the source of contention in the region. The Prime Minister blamed the opposition alliance, labelling it as the’ Ghamandiya’ alliance. He blamed the creation of dynastic politics within this alliance and asserted that similar practices go against the principles of leaders like Mahatma Gandhi and BR Ambedkar. He stressed their affinity for” parivarvaad”(dynastic politics) and” darbarvaad”( court politics). Prime Minister Modi concluded by characterizing the’ Ghamandiya’ alliance as a precursor of policy palsy, insecurity, corruption, conciliation, and accumulative programs, suggesting that such an alliance would hamper India’s progress by centuries.

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PM Modi Inaugurates 'Akhil Bhartiya Shiksha Samagam

PM Modi Inaugurates ‘Akhil Bhartiya Shiksha Samagam

Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the ‘Akhil Bhartiya Shiksha Samagam’ at Bharat Mandapam in Delhi on Saturday (29 July). The event takes place on the third anniversary of the publication of National Education Policy 2020.Modi announced the first installment of cash under the PM SHRI Scheme during the program.The schools under the scheme will educate children so that they become active, productive, and contributing citizens in the pursuit of the NEP’s vision of an egalitarian, inclusive, and plural society.The first tranche of 630 crore rupees was distributed to 6207 schools. The two-day Akhil Bhartiya Shiksha Samagam is being conducted at the old Pragati Maidan’s Bharat Mandapam. “Our education system plays a critical role in achieving the goals toward which India is striving in the twenty-first century,” he remarked. The Prime Minister stated that there is a hidden meaning in the journey of Akhil Bhartiya Shiksha Samagam of merging of ancient and modern from the Rudraksha of Kashi to the modern Bharat Mandapam. PM Modi Launches the ‘Akhil Bhartiya Shiksha Samagam’

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