A tragic incident occurred at the Gokulpuri Metro Station in Delhi on Thursday when a substantial portion of the boundary wall collapsed, resulting in one fatality and several injuries. The victim, 53-year-old Vinod Kumar from Karawal Nagar, lost his life in the mishap, while others were rushed to GTB Hospital for medical attention.
The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) promptly announced compensation, offering ₹15 lakh to the victim’s family, ₹2.5 lakh for the grievously injured, and ₹50,000 for those with minor injuries. The incident, reported by the Delhi Fire Service department around 11 am, prompted a swift response, with four fire tenders dispatched to the scene.
Deputy Commissioner of Police (northeast) Joy Tirkey revealed that the police, aided by the public, successfully rescued the trapped individual from the debris. Atul Garg, Chief of Delhi Fire Services, mentioned that two injured individuals were rescued by department personnel, while others were assisted by the public.
The Gokulpuri Metro Station, part of the Pink Line, a vital transport link in the national capital, was temporarily closed following the incident. The station, connecting various parts of Delhi from Majlis Park to Shiv Vihar, plays a crucial role in the city’s transportation network.