This weekend, our Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, is all set to kick off the first pair of Amrit Bharat Express trains from Ayodhya. If you’ve seen them, you’ll notice their sleek design and striking orange and grey colors. These trains are powered by WAP5 engines on both ends, which means they can speed up quickly and make the journey faster for passengers.
Now, let’s talk about the Darbhanga-Anand Vihar Amrit Bharat Express. It’s quite a big one with 22 carriages! Inside, there are eight general coaches for folks who don’t have a reserved seat, twelve sleeper coaches for those who want a little more comfort, and a couple of sections for the train crew and security.
If you’re wondering how much a ticket might cost for this express ride, well, the official rates aren’t up on the IRCTC website yet. But for those thinking of hopping on board from Darbhanga, you can catch the train at 3:00 PM on both Mondays and Thursdays. By the next day at 12:35 PM, you’ll find yourself at the Anand Vihar Terminal in Delhi. That’s roughly about 21 and a half hours on the tracks.
During its journey, this train will make stops at various stations like Kamtul, Janakpur Road, Sitamarhi, Bairgania, Raxaul, Narkatiyaganj, and Aligarh Junction. So, it’s pretty well-connected, making travel easier for many.
And that’s not all. Along with this route, our Prime Minister will also kick off another Amrit Bharat Express service that runs between Malda Town and Sir M. Visvesvaraya Terminus in Bengaluru. So, it looks like train travel is getting a significant boost!