A road accident involving a trailer loaded with apples occurred in Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, leading to the tragic deaths of two individuals. The trailer had originated from Narikanda and was headed towards Mandi outside Himachal, with its destination being Chail Market. Unexpectedly, the driver made a wrong turn, diverting the trailer towards Chail Market instead of Sanj-Rajgarh. The accident transpired before reaching Chail Market, causing the trailer to overturn on the road. This collision entailed four cars, causing substantial damage to three of them. Tragically, the fourth car, identified by registration number HP 30 0661, was trapped beneath the overturned trailer.
The accident was attributed to a failure in the trailer’s braking system. With the collaborative efforts of JCB and NTT, the trailer was lifted, and the bodies of two victims were recovered from underneath. The entire incident was documented in real-time by a live camera. Based on the preliminary investigation conducted by the police, the accident was determined to be the result of brake failure in the trailer. Numerous apple traders were present at the scene, interacting with the media, while law enforcement personnel were also deployed to the location. Throughout this period, the live camera footage captured the trailer overturning the cars on the road.