JanaSena Party President and actor-turned-politician, K Pawan Kalyan, has addressed recent speculations about his departure from the NDA in a short passive blog. During a ‘Varahi Yatra’ event in Mudinepalli Mandal, Krishna district, Pawan Kalyan dismissed the exit rumors, stating that he will make any such decision when necessary. He also took a dig at Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy, urging him to focus on his party and the upcoming elections.
Kalyan emphasized, “I will let you know, Jagan, and other YSRCP leaders before I come out of the NDA. You should take care of your party and think about how to secure 175/175 positions in the upcoming polls.”
He further mentioned having the contact information of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Minister Amit Shah, promising to inform them if he decides to leave the NDA bloc.
These statements followed Pawan Kalyan’s announcement of full support for the TDP and its incarcerated leader, Chandrababu Naidu. Kalyan asserted that the TDP is essential for Andhra Pradesh’s governance and development, saying, “TDP is a strong party, and Andhra Pradesh needs the Telugu Desam Party for good governance and state development.”
During a public meeting in Krishna district’s Pedana, Kalyan expressed his support for the TDP, emphasizing the potential impact of a TDP-Janasena alliance on the ruling YSRCP.
The JanaSena Party later clarified that Pawan Kalyan is not leaving the NDA but is extending support to the TDP during its challenging times. Bolisetty Satyanarayana, State General Secretary, and spokesperson of the JanaSena Party clarified that Kalyan’s statement meant supporting the TDP despite being a part of the NDA.
Satyanarayana stressed, “So I want to clarify this to the people that we are very much with NDA, and we are going to be with TDP also. We’re with TDP as its experience is needed to throw Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party (YSRCP) out from Andhra Pradesh.”
Previously, on September 14, Pawan Kalyan visited Chandrababu Naidu in Rajahmundry Central Jail, where Naidu was in judicial custody due to a ‘skill development scam’ case. Pawan Kalyan had also attended an NDA meeting in Delhi on July 18, during which he proposed an alliance of TDP, BJP, and his party in Andhra Pradesh to counter YS Jagan Mohan Reddy’s YSRCP. The BJP has yet to decide on this proposal.